Fire damage claims - Horner Blakey

Fire damage claims


Fire could be the biggest risk to the survival of many businesses. Owners or directors of businesses which have neglected to ensure a valid full fire risk assessment is in place also risk prosecution.

Under amendments to fire safety regulations, all non-domestic premises in England and Wales require, by law, a fire safety risk assessment and implementation of a fire management plan. In the case of a fire related claim, the insurance company may require the production of the business’s risk assessment.

Fire can cost a business dearly in terms of money and also time. Along with the damage or destruction of property and equipment, it may take a business months or even years to get back on its feet after a serious fire, with some never recovering.

The most common cause of fire in shops and retail premises is arson and during times of economic crisis the risk across all business is greatly increased.

The owner or manager in every workplace has legal responsibility for carrying out a fire risk assessment. This person is classified under the FSO as the ‘responsible person’ and must take ownership of the management of any fire related risk in their premises.

The fire risk assessment consists of five steps:

1. Identify fire hazards

2.  Identify people especially at risk

3.  Evaluate the risk, remove any hazards, reduce the risk and take measures to protect from risk of fire

4.  Record findings and actions, prepare an emergency plan, provide training

5.  Review assessment regularly and revise where necessary


For a no obligation insurance review and to find out more about how we may be able to help you please call Horner Blakey Insurance Brokers on 020 7929 0108